Write your own Will

DIY Will (all Australian States)
About this document:

Making your Will raises issues that you might not want to think about, but it is important to make a Will so that you can make your wishes known to the people who are closest to you.

With this Will you can specify:

  • What you want to happen to your property.
  • Gifts to specific people or charities;
  • Who receives the balance of your estate, as well as contingencies;
  • Appointment of Executors and alternates;
  • Appointment of guardians to care for your children if you have any;
  • What should happen with your body after you pass;
  • The age you beneficiaries must be before they can receive;
  • Organ donation

This Will is not checked by a Solicitor after you input your information., but generated from your responses to the interview. It is recommended that you have a lawyer check your Will before signing to ensure that it does what you need.

NOTE: In continuing you accept all risk that the Will generated may not be drafted with your best interests in mind.

Before getting started:

You will need to know who you want to appoint as your executor, and what you would like to happen to your property.

Interview time:

This interview should take you 15 to 20 minutes depending on your wishes.

Document length:

Approximately 5 pages long.

Document type:

Word Document.

This interview will generate a document based on the information provided by you. It does not and is not intended to represent legal advice or the practice of law (even if the information you input is based on suggestions or tips provided by us).

Please note: if you want professional assurance that this template and your interpretation of it is appropriate to your particular situation, we recommend that you contact us or speak to a Solicitor.