Wills, Estates and Powers of Attorney
Ways to Ensure That Your Children Will Remember You Well After You Are Gone

Ways to Ensure That Your Children Will Remember You Well After You Are Gone

As parents, we all want to leave a positive and lasting impact on our children. Ensuring that your children remember you well after you are gone involves more than just financial planning; it’s about creating meaningful memories and leaving a legacy of love and wisdom. Here are some tips to help you achieve this.


1. Spend Quality Time Together

Creating lasting memories with your children involves spending quality time together. Whether it’s a family vacation, a regular game night, or simply a walk in the park, these moments build strong bonds and cherished memories. Oftentimes it is the little things that they remember, how you always made them their favourite tea when they were ill or gave them a little hug when you knew they were struggling but didn’t want to admit it.


2. Share Your Stories and Wisdom

Take the time to share your life experiences, values, and wisdom with your children. These stories not only help them understand who you are but also provide valuable life lessons that they can carry forward.


3. Document Your Life

Keep a journal, write letters, or create videos for your children. Documenting your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can be a precious gift for them, providing comfort and guidance long after you are gone. You can also upload these into a Digital Vault to be distributed to those of your choosing after your passing.


4. Teach and Pass Down Traditions

Family traditions and rituals help create a sense of identity and continuity. Whether it’s holiday traditions, recipes, or cultural practices, teaching and passing down these traditions ensures that they live on through your children.


5. Plan for Their Future

Make sure you have a comprehensive estate plan that includes a will, powers of attorney, and any other necessary legal documents. This not only provides for their financial security but also ensures that your wishes are respected.


6. Express Your Love and Affection

Regularly express your love and affection to your children. Verbal affirmations, hugs, and small acts of kindness all contribute to a loving and supportive environment that they will remember fondly.


7. Support Their Dreams and Goals

Encourage and support your children’s dreams and goals. Being their biggest cheerleader shows them that you believe in them and are invested in their success and happiness.


8. Lead by Example

Demonstrate the values and behaviours you want your children to embody. Leading by example in areas such as kindness, integrity, and hard work leaves a lasting impression on them.


9. Be Present

In our busy lives, it’s easy to be physically present but mentally absent. Make a conscious effort to be fully present with your children, listening to them and engaging in meaningful conversations. When you are with your kids be all in. Put away your mobile phone, there is nothing that can’t wait.


10. Leave a Legacy of Love

Ultimately, the most important legacy you can leave is one of love. Ensure that your children know how much they are loved and valued. This emotional foundation will stay with them forever.


Ensuring that your children remember you well is about creating a life filled with love, memories, and thoughtful planning. HazeLegal is here to help you with the legal aspects of planning your legacy. Call us at (03) 9028 7603 or email info@hazelegal.com.au. Let us help you.




The advice provided in this blog post is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional legal advice. Please consult with a qualified legal professional for advice specific to your situation.